“Religious and Spiritual Experiences”
Chairman: Mohammad Saeedimehr
Scientific Secretary: Qodratullah Qorbani
Topics include, but are not restricted to, the followings:
- The semantics of religious/spiritual experiences
- Epistemology of religious/spiritual experiences
- Varieties of religious/spiritual experiences
- Religious/Spiritual experiences in the Islamic tradition
- Pathology of religious/spiritual experiences
- Approaches to religious/spiritual experiences in (non)religious traditions
- The relation between revelation and religious/spiritual experiences
- Religious/Spiritual experiences and arguments for God’s existence
- Ethical, psychological, and … functions of religious/spiritual experiences
- Cognitive science and religious/spiritual experiences
Academic Board
- Reza Akbari (Imam Sadiq University, Iran)
- Mahdi Akhavan (Allameh Tabataba’i University, Iran)
- Amirabbas Alizamani (University of Tehran, Iran)
- Abbas Ashrafi (Allameh Tabataba’i University, Iran)
- Hamidreza Ayatollahi (Allameh Tabataba’i University, Iran)
- Mahdi Esfahani (Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Iran)
- Joshua Hollmann (Concordia University, USA)
- Mohsen Jahed (Shahid Beheshti University, Iran)
- Mohsen Javadi (University of Qom, Iran)
- Sahar Kavandi (University of Zanjan, Iran)
- Amirhossein Khodaparast (Iranian Institute of Philosophy, Iran)
- Brian Leftow (Rutgers University, USA)
- Mohammad Hossein Mahdavinejad (Payame Noor University, Iran)
- Jahangir Masoudi (Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran)
- Thaddeus Metz (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- Seyed Ahmad Mirian (Islamic Azad University, Sari branch)
- Qodratullah Qorbani (Kharazmi University, Iran)
- Saeed Rahimian (Shiraz University, Iran)
- Mohammad Raayatjahromi (IKU, Iran)
- Rasoud Rasoulipour (Kharazmi University, Iran)
- Mohammad Saeedimehr (Tarbiat Modares University, Iran)
- Ali Shirvani (Howzeh and University institute, Iran,)
- Edward Wierenga (University of Rochester, USA)
Important Dates:
The Date of the Conference: 9-10 May 2023
Abstract Submission: 20 March 2023 (extended)
Notification of Acceptance: 4 April 2023 (extended)
Notice of the Conference Program: 30 April 2023
Venue: Islamic Azad University, Sari, Mazandaran, Iran
The conference will be held hybrid (both virtually and in person)
Proposals of papers should include a title, a 300-350 word abstract, at least 3 keywords, and the author’s affiliation and email address. The proposal should be sent via a submission form which is available here.
the international section of the conference will be held in English.
Registration Fee
The registration fee is €80 (for postgraduate students: €60) and should be paid after receiving the acceptance letter.
The conference will only cover the accommodation for two days, but the other expenses should be provided by the attendees.
Contact us: philorconf@gmail.com
Account/Telephone: +989029080340