Inaugural Conference (International Orthodox Theological Association)

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When9 – 12 Jan 2019
WhereIași, Romania (map)
DescriptionAn International Orthodox Theological Association will hold its Inaugural conference in Iasi, Romania on 9-12 January 2019. This will be a large international conference with 25 separate sections representing different aspects of Orthodox Christian life and thought. One of these sections is a ‘philosophy of religion’ section of which Richard Swinburne and David Bradshaw are co-Chairs. At the conference there will be  a session, arranged by the philosophy of religion section on ‘Natural theology in the Orthodox tradition’, at which Alexei Fokin (Moscow), Dionysios Skliris (Athens and Paris), and Richard Swinburne (Oxford) will be the speakers. There will also be an open session, organised by that section,  on philosophy of religion at which a few 15-20 minute papers will be presented. The philosophy of religion section invites proposals for papers in that session, which may be on any topic in the philosophy of religion, so long as the paper makes some contact with Orthodox or Eastern Christian thinking on the topic. Proposals for topics of 600-800 words should be submitted by 15 February 2018. For further details of the conference and how to submit proposals see the conference website

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